Quodesh Support Packages

We offer support from a minimum of 1 hour through to 24 hour live-in packages

Daily support

Your support worker helps you with bathing / showering, dressing, cooking, eating, cleaning, medications, visiting friends and family, financial support i.e. paying bills and any other support you may require.

Respite for families and carers

If you are being supported by a family member or friend and they wish to take a break, we can take care of your support needs for that period of time.

Shopping trips

Whether it be a quick trip to Asda to buy your tea or a shopping spree in Leeds, your support worker can accompany you and make you feel comfortable throughout the day.

Community activities & outings

Like going out with friends or down to your local bingo club? Why not make it a weekly event and take your support worker with you?

Attending clubs and groups

Your support worker can take you to and from any clubs or groups you might be interested in attending and support you whilst you are there. They can also support you to find new things to do.

Eating Out

Everyone likes a good meal in a nice restaurant or café. Why not take your support worker with you to help you do something you enjoy.

Attending day centres

Your support worker can take you to and from day centre and support you while there throughout the day.

Attending college / university / classes

Your support worker can attend classes / lectures with you and support you with the things you may have difficulties with i.e. writing notes, reading etc.

Attending meetings and appointments

If you have an important meeting or appointment, your support worker can ensure you arrive on time and support you throughout.

All aspects of personal care

Your support worker can help you with toileting, bathing, shaving etc whilst ensuring dignity at all times. 

General cleaning duties

As well as general companionship, your support worker can help you with your domestic duties around the house.

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